Activities for Teenagers...
Below are our articles on the subject of Activities for Teenagers. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...
Gaining Work Experience Over the Summer
Work experience can be a terrific opportunity for a teenager, introducing them to the world of work and helping them narrow down what they do and do not want to pursue…...
Mentoring a Younger Child
Older teens who want to make the most of their summer - and help others at the same time - may want to consider mentoring a younger child. It can make a real…...
Teenagers' First Summer Jobs
Your teenager's first summer job is a rite of passage that will have an incredible influence on him or her. Help them to make the most of their experience by helping…...
Volunteer During the Summer Months
For teenagers, summer should mean a lot more than just sitting around watching telly and playing on the computer. Why not encourage your teen to participate in some…...
Why Summer Camp Can Be a Good Idea
Summer camps offer children the possibility to make new friends, learn new skills and enjoy new things in a supervised setting away from their parents and other…...