Indoor Activities...
Below are our articles on the subject of Indoor Activities. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Cooking Projects for Young Children
Learning how to cook from an early age is important, and even very young children can help out in the kitchen. Here are some ideas to get them started......

Family Games Night
Instigating a Family Games Night is a fantastic way to bring the whole family together, young and old. Your children will also learn some valuable life lessons about…...

Great Activities for a Rainy Day
A rainy day needn't mean the end to summer fun. There are plenty of rainy day activities your children can enjoy indoors, and even some outdoors! All you need is a bit…...

Indoor Rock Climbing for Kids
Indoor rock climbing can be a fantastic summer activity for children, especially if they have never climbed before or when the weather is rainy and cold. And it can…...

Keeping Up With Homework Over the Summer
Keeping up with homework can be especially difficult but over the summer nigh to impossible. How can you may sure your children don't forsake learning altogether?...

Kids' Projects: Writing Your Own Book
Reading and writing go hand in hand. So why not help your child write his or her own book this summer? They might turn out to be a budding author, but even if they're…...

Make Homemade Ice Cream
Making ice cream at home the old-fashioned way is an activity everyone in the family will enjoy. Whether you invest in an ice cream maker or try making this delicious…...

Summer Parties: Indoor Beach Party
A dark, dismal summer day is the perfect time to throw an indoor beach party. Make it a Hawaiian or tropical-themed event, with themed entertainment, food,…...